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Corporate Car Sharing Software

For pool vehicles in companies: our Corporate Car Sharing software helps you to use the vehicle pool more efficiently and to make it available to the employees. fleetster shows which vehicles are booked or available.

Corporate Car Sharing software by fleetster

What makes our software special:

Large fleets

Large fleets

The fleetster functions make it easy to manage a large number of vehicles.

Small fleets

Small fleets

Also small fleets can be easily managed. Get a better overview of all vehicles and structured processes in your fleet.

A variety of booking rules

A variety of booking rules

The tool offers a large number of booking rules and booking logics that simplify the booking of vehicles.

Key Management

Key Management

Different use cases for key management with hardware options that can be used individually per vehicle, at different locations.

E-vehicle integration

E-vehicle integration

Even e-vehicles can be integrated into fleetster, including range management!

Reports and Analysis

Reports and Analysis

Access to reports and comprehensive analytics of the bookings and fleet utilization.

Our references


"Our 500 cars are parked at over 80 Telekom locations in Germany and are equipped with a Car Sharing Kit".

German Post
German Post
Deutsche Post

CarSharing solution with electronic key cabinet, driver license control and single sign-on integration with Microsoft Azure AD.


"Using fleetster has paid off for us from day one - we are now saving 90% of our previous costs".


"Corporate car sharing is an innovative mobility concept that is simply ingenious. We are convinced that it will revolutionize the fleet management of many companies in Luxembourg".

How does the Corporate CarSharing software work?

CarSharing is an important component in achieving climate targets, reducing costs and benefiting employees.

With fleetster, companies can benefit from all the advantages of CarSharing: you increase the utilization of your pool vehicles, reduce costs and allow your employees to use the shared vehicles privately.

In our short video you can take a look at our software, as well as hardware for key management solutions that can be easily integrated with the software.

Simple setup of the fleetster software

To our cloud software, they can access it from anywhere with a browser, without installation. Or you can book the vehicles with the app on your smartphone. Thanks to the cloud, we can scale the software as needed, update it regularly and ensure sufficient performance at all times. No matter how many vehicles you have, the data is absolutely safe in the cloud, safer than on most local servers! Data security is always our top priority.

Having your own fleetster system is very intuitive and quick to set up. first you create all the locations in the software. then you add the vehicles and load all the users into the system. the whole setup usually takes no more than 10 minutes. if you have a lot of data, the fleetster team will be happy to help you import it.

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Booking tool for your vehicle pool, fleetster apps and booking calendar. You always know where your vehicles are.

per vehicle, per month

Booking Calendar


Smartphone App


Calendar Integration


Booking List


Vehicle Access Rules


Optimized for large fleets and connect individual rules to your vehicle groups.

per vehicle, per month

Vehicle Groups


Tap & Go


Booking Contracts


Booking Buffers


Booking Imports


Vehicle Swap


One Way Bookings

BASIC Package

Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar

A very useful way of visualising all your bookings with the aid of a timeline.

Smartphone App

Smartphone App

At any point and time, you can book vehicles with the fleetster Smartphone Apps.

Calendar Integration

Calendar Integration

Import bookings to your calendar with the help of ICS-files.

Booking List

Booking List

With a single glimpse, get to know when, where and by whom your vehicles were used.

Vehicle Access Rules

Vehicle Access Rules

Manage which of your drivers have access to which type of vehicle.

PRO Package

Key Management

Key Management

Ensure bookings are released with a validated driver license and finished with essential information provided.

Booking for Colleagues

Booking for Colleagues

Users with this permission will have the ability to create and modify bookings for any other user.

Booking Pricing Rules

Booking Pricing Rules

Create pricing rules for your vehicles to control the cost of bookings.

Booking Series

Booking Series

For high usage cases: create a series of bookings.

Booking Exports

Booking Exports

Export the data of past or future bookings for further analysis in Excel or other systems.



This feature allows the administrators to access comprehensive analytics of the bookings and fleet utilization.

Automatic Vehicle Reallocation

Automatic Vehicle Reallocation

Automatically assign a new vehicle to bookings that have an unavailable vehicle shortly before they are scheduled to start.

Booking Authorization

Booking Authorization

Per vehicle, specify a user who should verify and approve bookings before they can be started.

Cost Center

Cost Center

Keep track of company expenses through user and booking cost centers.


Vehicle Groups

Vehicle Groups

Group your vehicles under specific categories, which can possess their own access and pricing rules.

Booking Buffers

Booking Buffers

Specify a time-frame that should be blocked after business and/or private bookings.

Booking Contracts

Booking Contracts

Integrates legal documents management and acceptance in user registration, invitation and booking process.

RFID Tap & Go

RFID Tap & Go

This feature allows users to book vehicles simply by tapping their authorized RFID (eg employee badge or driver license with sticker) on the vehicle RFID reader.

Booking Imports

Booking Imports

Makes it possible to import bookings into the company through CSV files.

One Way Bookings (A-B)

One Way Bookings (A-B)

Allow one way bookings from one location A to another location B without having to return the vehicle to location A again.

Vehicle Swap

Vehicle Swap

Vehicle swap allows admins to swap vehicles. Booking from one vehicle can be swapped with the bookings of another vehicle.

Overview of Corporate Car Sharing functions

Booking Calendar
Smartphone App
Calendar Integration
Booking List
Vehicle Access Rules
Key Management
Booking for Colleagues
Booking Pricing Rules
Booking Series
Booking Exports
Automatic Vehicle Reallocation
Booking Authorization
Cost Center
Vehicle Groups
Tap & Go
Booking Contracts
Booking Buffers
Booking Imports
Vehicle Swap
One Way Bookings

Compatible Hardware options

The fleetster software can be integrated with a variety of hardware platforms to create a complete fleet management solution. The integration of fleetster and fleet hardware provides fleet managers with a powerful solution to manage their fleet more efficiently, reduce operating costs and increase driver safety.

In doing so, fleetster also relies on keyless systems to help fleet managers better manage vehicle access and usage. The video explains the keyless solutions in more detail.

CarSharing Kit for automated key management

Monitoring and automatic adjustment of bookings

A fully automated system thanks to our CarSharing Kits! If you have already installed our CarSharing Kits in your vehicles, you can take advantage of all the benefits of the "Internet of Things" and in-vehicle telematics. users can open and close the vehicles via app, the mileage can be transferred directly to the software and much more. fleetster has already successfully integrated three different hardware providers. with the CarSharing Kits, our software has a constant overview of the battery levels of the vehicles, including the e-vehicles. fleetster can thus monitor the tank and battery levels, compare the actual values with those previously estimated and make rebookings if necessary. the administrator therefore no longer has to worry about anything, the software even reminds the driver after the booking that the vehicle needs to be charged.

fleetster car sharing for companies
fleetster car sharing for companies

Electronic key cabinet for the automation of key distribution

Electronic key cabinets (or Electronic Key Management) conveniently centralize the storage and handover of your pool vehicles and carsharing vehicles. fleetster's electronic key cabinet is seamlessly integrated into the B2B mobility platform, which enables the booking and management of fleet vehicles.

In addition, fleet managers can implement time-based permissions and rules that eliminate key cabinet access errors.

Corporate Car-Sharing Features:

eMobility in corporate car sharing

The original idea of fleetster was an eCar management software. In the meantime, the business model has expanded several times, but electric vehicle management is still there! Our comprehensive eVehicle database with realistic consumption and charging values in combination with the Reach algorithm ensures that no one is stranded anymore because the battery is too low.

For more than five years, we have had a database with the important data for all electric vehicles on the market. For each e-vehicle, we have stored the realistic range, which sometimes differs greatly from the manufacturer's specifications. To ensure that our values are always up to date, we are constantly optimizing and improving our database.

emobility in vehicle parks
emobility in vehicle parks

Reallocation of bookings

The reallocation feature in Fleet Management enables automatic reallocation of bookings, including business service bookings and others, in the event that the originally selected vehicle is not available.

Depending on the setting, fleetster can automatically reassign bookings if the booked vehicle is not available. This ensures that the booking is possible even if a vehicle is deactivated.


Booking contracts in Corporate CarSharing

Corporate carsharing offers companies an efficient way to share and manage fleet vehicles. In the fleetster platform, booking contracts can be seamlessly uploaded to simplify the booking process for users. With this feature, terms of use, order processing agreements and other important contracts can be easily uploaded and confirmed by users before booking a corporate vehicle. Only after confirming these contracts, users are able to book a vehicle. This ensures that all relevant contractual provisions are met, which increases transparency and compliance in corporate carsharing.


Seamless and Smart - How Category Booking Works

With Fleetster's Category Booking Feature, the booking process becomes a breeze. Users can view the number of vehicles available within their desired categories for a specified time slot.

But here's where the magic happens: users can select multiple categories, and the system takes care of the rest. At the end of the booking process, the system intelligently decides which vehicle the user will drive, optimizing fleet utilization.

What is a Corporate Car Sharing Software?

Corporate Car Sharing is synonymous of Pool vehicle management. This means that all employees, or some of the employees of a company, share a vehicle pool (or even just one vehicle). The opposite of Corporate Car Sharing is the classic company car.

For a Corporate Car Sharing system, the pool vehicles are also made available to employees for private trips after work or at the weekend. Basically, Corporate Car Sharing software is a booking tool that ensures that everyone knows when which vehicle is booked. Of course, such software also has many additional functions that make it different from Excel or Outlook for example integrated key cabinet systems , Car Sharing Kits and much more.

corporate carsharing software von fleetster
corporate carsharing software von fleetster

Private use in Corporate Car Sharing

In fleetster there is the possibility to release pool vehicles also for private trips of the employees. With this function employees can take the vehicles directly at the company parking lot after work - this saves a lot of time in comparison to a Car rental. For employees without their own vehicle, this is a great initiative!

Numerous companies offer their employees the private use of pool cars - usually after working hours or at the weekend. Since private use with the company car is considered a non-cash benefit, the utmost caution is required here, because a privately used pool car that has not been declared correctly can quickly come back as a boomerang from the tax office and high additional payments are due

fleetster therefore differentiates between business and private journeys. fleetster gives you the option of creating specific pricing rules and usage rules for each pool car to ensure that all monetary benefits are correctly recorded and taken into account for tax purposes

Privatfahrten im corporate carsharing als gute initiative
Privatfahrten im corporate carsharing als gute initiative

You would like to know how the fleetster software looks and works "live"? No problem!

Simply register for an online demo and we'll explain the system and help you choose the perfect plan!

fleetster software carsharing
fleetster software carsharing