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Is Corporate CarSharing worth it?

Almost all German companies operate fleets in one form or another. fleetster wants to analyze how car sharing can affect fleet utilization based on data from the last 10 years.

Car sharing brings efficient capacity utilization

fleetster compiles study based on data records from the last 10 years

fleetster has now been operating for more than 10 years in the Fleet management - and CarSharing -Over the years, more than 50,000 users worldwide have accumulated a large number of interesting data sets.

These data sets are now being processed and analyzed - also against the background of the influence of the coronavirus pandemic. fleetster hopes to gain insights into the development of fleets in Germany and around the world and to draw conclusions for the strategic orientation.

If the topic sounds interesting to you, please register using the link below and we will be happy to provide you with the information.

fleetster study on the utilization of the vehicle fleet
fleetster study on the utilization of the vehicle fleet

Corporate CarSharing in the company fleet

CarSharing the use of one vehicle by several people has long been part of the urban landscape of medium-sized to large cities worldwide. Shared vehicles can be seen on the roadsides, which can be opened decentrally via smartphone app and offer a very individual mobility service.

Car sharing is also used in many companies, because many fleet managers see the advantages of several employees sharing a company car: higher utilization and thus lower costs. But to what extent is the fleet really better utilized? And how high are the costs that I can save as a company?

This is what fleetster is trying to answer with its study. We analyze fleet information from the last 10 years and analyze capacity utilization.

Savings potential through CarSharing in the vehicle fleet
Savings potential through CarSharing in the vehicle fleet

The assumption: Car sharing helps to improve fleet utilization

Company cars assigned to employees have long idle times during which they are not moved. If we assume a normal working day for an employee who has an average of one customer appointment per day outside the office, we arrive at a maximum of 4 hours of use per day (2x1h to and from work; 2x1h to and from customer appointments). Conversely, this means that in a conventional 8-hour working day, 50% of the vehicle's usage potential falls by the wayside.

Many companies therefore try to optimize this unused time by offering a corporate car-sharing model (often software-based).

Corporate CarSharing Software allows employees to book pool vehicles themselves online or via the intranet. The previous control center Fleet management or Travel-Management the Corporate CarSharing software saves the time and effort involved in assigning company cars and vehicles. Business and private trips are automatically billed per use via payroll accounting or internal cost centers. This process optimization reduces the time spent by users and administrators.

Car sharing helps to improve fleet utilization
Car sharing helps to improve fleet utilization


If so, please get in touch with our team of fleet experts. We will be happy to help you and send you the prepared study at the appropriate time.

fleetster team of experts for advice
fleetster team of experts for advice