Manage Pool Vehicles via Software
Pool vehicle management including electronic logbook - enter company pool vehicles, install OBD-Plugs and keep logbook automatically

Pool Vehicle Hardware and Automation

Standalone Software
fleetster offers a fully networked pool vehicle management software that works independently and can be extended by hardware components.

Key Cabinet
Key cabinets allow 24/7 access to all vehicles as keys are stored securely in a locked key box.

Car Sharing Kit
Connect your vehicles to the cloud via CarSharing kits. Opening and closing the vehicle can be done remotely or via smartphone.

Booking tool for your vehicle pool, fleetster apps and booking calendar. You always know where your vehicles are.
Booking Calendar
Smartphone App
Calendar Integration
Booking List
Vehicle Access Rules
Optimized for large fleets and connect individual rules to your vehicle groups.
Vehicle Groups
Tap & Go
Booking Contracts
Booking Buffers
Booking Imports
Vehicle Swap
One Way Bookings
BASIC Package

Booking Calendar
A very useful way of visualising all your bookings with the aid of a timeline

Smartphone App
At any point and time, you can book vehicles with the fleetster Smartphone Apps

Calendar Integration
Import bookings to your calendar with the help of ICS-files

Booking List
With a single glimpse, get to know when, where and by whom your vehicles were used

Vehicle Access Rules
Manage which of your drivers have access to which type of vehicle
PRO Package

Key Management
Ensure bookings are released with a validated driver license and finished with essential information provided

Booking for Colleagues
Users with this permission will have the ability to create and modify bookings for any other user

Booking Pricing Rules
Create pricing rules for your vehicles to control the cost of bookings

Booking Series
For high usage cases: create a series of bookings

Booking Exports
Export the data of past or future bookings for further analysis in Excel or other systems

This feature allows the administrators to access comprehensive analytics of the bookings and fleet utilization

Automatic Vehicle Reallocation
Automatically assign a new vehicle to bookings that have an unavailable vehicle shortly before they are scheduled to start

Booking Authorization
Per vehicle, specify a user who should verify and approve bookings before they can be started

Cost Center
Keep track of company expenses through user and booking cost centers

Vehicle Groups
Group your vehicles under specific categories, which can possess their own access and pricing rules

Parking Lot Management
Administrate the parking lots at your disposal, and ensure a place for everyone to leave their vehicles

Gasoline Cards
Assign gasoline cards to vehicles and give access to the PIN when low fuel is detected

Booking Buffers
Specify a time-frame that should be blocked after business and/or private bookings

Booking Imports
Makes it possible to import bookings into the company through CSV files

RFID Tap & Go
This feature allows users to book vehicles simply by tapping their authorized RFID (eg employee badge or driver license with sticker) on the vehicle RFID reader.

Booking Contracts
Integrates legal documents management and acceptance in user registration, invitation and booking process.

Shift Planning
With shift planning, administrators can plan and create a shift for vehicles and drivers with a date, time and demand.
Overview of the Pool Vehicle Software from fleetster
Booking Calendar | |||
Smartphone App | |||
Calendar Integration | |||
Booking List | |||
Vehicle Access Rules | |||
Key Management | |||
Booking for Colleagues | |||
Booking Pricing Rules | |||
Booking Series | |||
Booking Exports | |||
Analytics | |||
Automatic Vehicle Reallocation | |||
Booking Authorization | |||
Cost Center | |||
Vehicle Groups | |||
Parking Lot Management | |||
Gasoline Cards | |||
Booking Buffers | |||
Booking Imports |
Manage Pool Vehicles in the company fleet
A pool vehicle is not classified as a company car. Company cars are by definition assigned to a specific person. A pool vehicle (also often: departmental vehicle, shared vehicle, Car Sharing vehicle), on the other hand, is intended for use by several employees.
At fleetster, pool vehicle software and Corporate Car Sharing Software are accordingly treated as synonyms and describe the same product.
For example, a pool vehicle can be assigned to a department, making it easy to allocate costs to the department. In doing so, a booking of vehicles must be made using pool vehicle software or pool vehicle management. This makes it possible to see when the pool vehicle is available.
The idea of pool car management for employees is becoming more and more popular. Especially in the private sector, cars are often shared via car sharing. Why shouldn't this work in the corporate sector as well?

Electronic Key Cabinet
Manual key management is cost and time intensive - this is true for fleet managers as well as for employees and colleagues. Keeping track here is a full time job for the fleet management team. fleetster offers digital key management tailored to fleet management use cases. It acts as a 24/7 employee that conscientiously tracks every key movement in the fleet. Employees can only access pool vehicle keys during their booking window (typically 15 min before booking). The Key Cabinet is furthermore fully integrated into the fleetster system and therefore even reassigns bookings if keys are returned late.
Car Sharing Kit
fleetster has developed a B2B mobility platform that covers a wide range of fleet management and Car Sharing use cases. The Car Sharing Kit can connect pool vehicles to the fleetster software, providing a complete record of driving data and GPS data. In addition, the Car Sharing Kit can be used to implement an opening and closing mechanism via smartphone or remotely.
By connecting your vehicles to the cloud, you maintain a full overview of your fleet - no matter where the pool cars are located.

Stand-alone software solution
fleetster is a comprehensive fleet management software for organising and managing all your Car Sharing and fleet vehicles. The purpose of the fleet software is to facilitate the tasks of the fleet managers and to increase the utilisation of the existing fleet. It enables booking allocation via a common calendar, key management, evaluations and much more.

Software for pool vehicles - how do I optimize my pool vehicle management?
The pool vehicle management (also Management of pool vehicles ) works via sophisticated reservation mechanisms in a pool vehicle software. Here, programs such as Excel and Outlook quickly reach their limits. The professional pool vehicle software from fleetster simplifies the management of pool vehicles for fleet managers. This also applies with regard to tax law.
The pool vehicle software looks after the vehicles. Normally, a fleet manager is appointed who carries out necessary and legally required safety briefings with the employees. The fleet manager also checks the driving licences of the employees who wish to use one of the pool vehicles.
If the pool vehicle software is designed efficiently, a fleet of shared pool vehicles can offer potential savings. In poorly managed systems (Excel , Outlook), pool vehicles can be used in conjunction with a Logbook but can just as quickly turn into a tax trap.
In order to achieve the greatest possible savings potential, the fleet utilization statistics must be effective. The fleet manager needs a good overview and the Electronic Logbook be kept clean.

Electronic logbook for pool vehicles as a solution to the dangerous tax trap
Unlike a company car, pool vehicles are not assigned to a single person. Such pool vehicles stimulate the imagination of the tax authorities, because vehicles without a taxed imputed income are a thorn in the side of the tax authorities and leave room for interpretation.
If there is no documentation of the vehicle movements, the tax office assumes that employees with a driving licence are users of the pool vehicle. This applies irrespective of whether they actually use the car. Poor or incomplete documentation can also quickly lead to expensive additional payments.
The only way to protect against a back payment and problems with the tax authorities is to keep a Electronic Logbook. Thanks to the plugged OBD-Plug all journeys are automatically recorded. The fleetster software creates a Logbook compliant with tax regulations that will stand up to the tax authorities.

Interactive booking calendar with admin and user access to apps and web app
For large fleets or companies: set additional pricing systems and automatic rebookings
Free Advice
Our team is happy to assist with any questions you may have regarding pool vehicle management. Get in touch and book an appointment with one of our fleet experts.