Damage Management Software
Damage case in the your fleet - With the fleetster software for damage management you handle every damage claim easily and step-by-step.

The main points of the claims settlement in the overview

Incident Recording
If damage occurs in an accident, the claim must be recorded in detail directly by the party responsible. All information provided in this context serves to settle the claim.

Notification of Claim to the Insurer
The details of the accident recorded by those involved in the accident are communicated to the relevant insurers, and a cover check and exchange of information between the insurers involved is then carried out.

Repair Processing
If a network of partners is already in place to handle the claim, the repair of the accident vehicle can be relatively quick and unproblematic. The first step is to agree on the date for the repair of the vehicle.

Stay Mobile
The mobility of the driver is to be ensured by a replacement vehicle from the internal stock, as a rental car or via car sharing.

Final Control Procedure
Every claim must be finally checked, including the control of estimates and invoices. The control procedure should be a standardized process involving all departments and communicated with the relevant driver.
Why is Damage Management important?
All parties involved want and need to know the current status of all vehicles, who caused what damage and what damage has already been repaired. Especially because vehicles are very expensive and may have the potential to ruin a company, damage must be documented in great detail.
Accident in your fleet - and now?
For a smooth handling of a claim, an adequate claims team should always be available. All information in the accident reports to the insurer is registered and processed accordingly by the insurer until the conclusion of the respective case. Even in the case of a self-inflicted damage, the user is provided with a free rental vehicle. A pick-up and drop-off service is accordingly also included.
One of the most important points in an organized handling of a fleet management accident claim is the efficient flow of information. Everyone must be informed about what happened to a certain vehicle, who is responsible for the claim and what the status of the damage repair is. This process in the fleet with the detailed documentation of what happened is enormously important, as vehicles represent a high financial challenge for many companies.

Service and repairs in the fleet - this is how it works!
The software module Service & Repairs comes into play on the one hand when vehicles need to be serviced and on the other hand when vehicles have been involved in an accident and repairs need to be handled. With the Service and Repairs module of fleetster you keep all data structured and location-related in your web application and can actively influence the damage or service handling as required. fleetster thus creates an overview of service and repair appointments. Create new appointments and assign them to vehicles and service providers. Change the status of the repair or service from New to Planned, to Processing, Finished, and Paid. Of course, there is a corresponding option to add the appointments to a subcategory so that the overview is even easier for you.
Service and repairs as part of the claims management process
Accidents in the vehicle fleet are unavoidable. Such an accident is accompanied by many processes that affect various parties such as the insurance company, the repair service provider and the company's internal controlling, among others.
Due to the large number of parties involved, organizing the settlement is complicated. For example, you have to report damage to the insurance company, hire experts, obtain estimates and organize a repair. In addition, a replacement vehicle often has to be organized so that the employee can continue to be mobile.
fleetster supports with the service and repair module the handling of appointments and the communication with drivers. In the current version we create the overview for you, in the future fleetster should also integrate third party providers in the software, so that your process is simplified to the maximum.

fleetster - The solution for Damage Management
In order to take care of the fleet of vehicles in a reasonable way, the whole process in the fleet needs a new edition with regard to an optimal claims management
The user of the vehicle is given the opportunity to inspect the existing damage himself. The damage is documented and digitized by means of photographs. In this way, damage can be clearly assigned to a vehicle in the future. Mistakes or mix-ups can thus be ruled out as far as possible. The photographic material and the documentation of the damage are made available to the fleet manager, who has an overview of all processes and the entire fleet. Within the framework of fleet management, he then decides on the basis of the available information whether and which measures should be initiated. It is important that in any case, every case of damage is first documented for the further process in the vehicle fleet