Optimizing Fleet Management with Key Control
Key lockbox and key management system for your fleet of vehicles

Everything in one place. Advantages of the fleetster key management system including logbook

Legally compliant and tax compliant
fleetster's driver's logbook is certified and tested. The driver's logbook is properly created according to the requirements of the German tax authorities, and can be exported at any time.

No maintenance costs
Key cabinets are centrally maintained and updated from the cloud. You pay no maintenance fees, and benefit from constantly improving hardware.

24/7 - always available
Key cabinets also work outside of working hours of fleet managers or receptionists.

Automatic trip recording
All trips are automatically recorded with all important information (address at start and destination, mileage, stops) and uploaded to the user account. The driver has the possibility to categorize trips via app or web app at any time.

Full control
All key removals and key returns are automatically documented and can be retrieved at any time. Notifications can be set up for overdue key returns.

Save time
The fleetster system replaces the tedious key assignment, and writes logbooks automatically. Admins only have to take care of system maintenance.
Key management for automatic key transfer in the fleet
Manual key management and the manual keeping of logbooks is cost- and time-intensive - this applies to fleet managers as well as employees and colleagues.
Keeping track of this is a full-time job for the fleet management team. This is because keys are often lost, or they run after the uncleanly filled out logbook in order to hand it in tax-compliant.
The more keys and therefore vehicles are under management, the more complicated it becomes. In addition to the increased administrative effort, the security of the fleet also plays an important role. Errors are doomed to occur in human key allocation or vehicle logbook management and can lead to security gaps and result in high costs.
Want to leave behind the messy key assignment and regain full control of your keys? Tired of running after employees for incomplete logbooks?

The key management system and logbook from fleetster
fleetster offers you an efficient solution for the combination of key management and logbook. With the help of OBD-plugs and the 100% integrated key cabinet, you have the possibility to kill two birds with one stone. Automate key management with the help of the key cabinet and let our OBD2-plug automatically collect and send data to the key cabinet system and the fleetster mobility platform.
All key removals and key returns are documented and time-stamped. All key cabinets are equipped with a control panel and are accessible 24/7. The admin has the possibility to transparently view and check all vehicles at any time.
After inserting an OBD-plug you also have the possibility to record your logbooks automatically. The data plug is installed and synchronized within a few minutes and starts recording from the first kilometre driven.
The admin has an overview of completed logbooks at all times and can export them in a legally secure and tax-compliant manner. This way, you have all documents at hand at any time when the tax office visits.

Personal Consultation
Our fleet experts are available for a personal consultation. Benefit from the expert knowledge of our team and discuss any open questions and ambiguities regarding the requirements of your fleet.