Tap & Go Vehicle Booking
With Tap & Go at the key cabinet, you no longer need a smartphone. Create bookings directly at the key cabinet, take the key with you and start your journey.

Advantages of Tap & Go on the key cabinet

Automatic booking creation
Spontaneous bookings in a few seconds are possible directly at the key cabinet. Bookings are created automatically.

No smartphone necessary
The booking does not have to be created beforehand via the smartphone, but is created directly at the key cabinet when the keys are collected.

Restrict to user or vehicle groups
The use of this type of booking can be limited to a user group and also to a vehicle group.
Key issuance directly at the key cabinet without prior booking
Because the key cabinet is not the ideal device for vehicle bookings, there is automatic booking without a smartphone. For each user, an employee ID card or a sticker on the driver's license can be linked to their account. These users can then go to the key cabinet, identify themselves with the card/sticker and select a vehicle. A booking is then automatically created and this can then be started immediately.
The solution is not suitable for every company, but in larger companies with different user groups, Tap & Go can be very helpful.
You want to test Tap & Go on your key cabinet?
Contact us for a custom quote, or a free demo by simply sending us a request with your contact information.