Tap & Go for Car Sharing Kits
Since June 2021 you have the possibility to start and end a trip in fleetster with just a short tap of the RFID card. So you don't need to create any booking beforehand anymore and can book the car directly with a tap on the RFID reader, unlock it and drive off.

Tap & Go - speed up the vehicle handover process

Automated bookings
The admin sets up a so-called standard booking, which is automatically generated when the Tap & Go is used

Quick access to vehicles
If the settings are set correctly, users can book and open a vehicle within seconds and start the drive immediately

Perfect for logistics use-cases
Tap & Go accelerates vehicle delivery immensely, but comes with logic implications. Because when vehicles are booked in the future, there is no live exchange of systems at all.
Automatic vehicle handovers are now even faster
Use your employee badge or RFID tag and place it on the reader installed in the vehicle. A booking is created (if the vehicle is not booked) and the vehicle opens. The admin sets a default duration for a booking (e.g. 2 hours) which is always applied.
The feature offers a speedup of the booking process for the user, yet it also brings logical challenges - e.g. if the user wants to take the car for 2 days, the system would not know that (default duration set by admin) and allow other people to book the car.
We, therefore, recommend using our booking process via the web or the mobile app in regular (Corporate) Car Sharing cases. The Tap & Go feature works particularly well when the administration of the trips takes place in another system - e.g. logistics companies.
The Tap & Go feature should rather be used as a quick access process for vehicles that are not usually booked in the future.
Make your vehicles available 24/7
Manual key handovers and vehicle releases are time-consuming processes, and there are often employees specifically assigned to this task who, due to the high level of effort involved, deal with it exclusively. In addition, it is difficult to keep track of the situation, because keys are often lost, returned too late or not at all.
With an interactive Car Sharing Kit you have the possibility to automate this process completely. All bookings, key withdrawals and key returns are recorded in the fleetster system and can be viewed online at any time. All it takes is an internet-enabled smartphone and, if necessary, an RFID employee ID card to book a vehicle.
Want to leave key chaos behind and regain full control of your keys?

Personal advice
Our fleet experts will be happy to provide you with a personal consultation. Benefit from the expert knowledge of our team and discuss all open questions and ambiguities regarding the requirements of your fleet.