Saving fuel made easy!
8. Aug 2022 | By Malena Gärtner
Rising fuel prices are a problem for everyone. Saving fuel is easy with these tips!
Valuable tips
By constantly rising gasoline prices, many drivers are forced to reconsider each trip with the passenger car. But not only private individuals are affected by it. Also companies have to nibble at the high fuel costs. Exactly therefore, it is advisable to heed some small tips, in order to lower at least the fuel consumption of the vehicle.
Probably the simplest and, in this sense, the most effective way to save fuel is to use the avoidance of acceleration in the high speed range when the engine is still cold. Furthermore, it is advisable to slowly limit speed at red lights or closed railroad crossings. If you see them in time, you can let the vehicle coast to a stop without any problems and then turn off the engine. Studies have shown that even one minute of standstill can save fuel. If you also want to contribute to lower fuel consumption, you should also consider tire pressure. Underinflated or overinflated tires increase the rolling resistance of a vehicle and thus consume more fuel than necessary. The manufacturer's specifications should therefore be observed.
Especially those who travel a lot with a vehicle for business should possibly think about purchasing a vehicle with less consumption. Some manufacturers integrate Start-stop systems into their vehicles and offer lightweight wheels as standard. Energy recovery during braking is alsoimportantn to mention in terms of fuel economy.
Likewise, you can save a few euros if you choose to use fuel cards. These even have the advantage that the use of fuel cards also helps to avoid misuse to a certain extent. The lower administrative costs alone compared to cash payments at gas stations save money. Some gas stations offer a discount, usually from a certain turnover. Similar offers can also be found for automobile club members.
What fleets can do to save fuel
Even companies that have to manage and calculate the entire fuel consumption of their fleet can do a lot to encourage their employees to drive economically. Since the fuel costs for business trips are generally borne by the company, it is in their interest to pay attention to economical consumption. So-called Eco-Trainings even though some employees may not be fans of shifting gears a lot, they will also realize that you should pay just as much attention to a gearshift indicator as to the tachometer.
A small incentive for employees could also be the introduction of a reward, such as the use of a "better" company car if a certain consumption limit is not exceeded. Depending on the company structure, not only the drivers can contribute to saving fuel, but also the dispatchers or route planners. After all, the kilometers driven also play a role in how much fuel is consumed. Thus, careful route planning with the fewest kilometers is just as important a matter as an economical driving style.
Especially for urban traffic appear Car sharing provider most of the time, the fuel consumption is already included in the flat rate per kilometer, which means that when you return the vehicle, you do not have to go to a gas station to fill up the tank at your own expense.