Advantages of Corporate Car Sharing
23. Mar 2021 | By Tim Ruhoff
Car Sharing for companies means that a company owns various vehicles and makes them available to employees. This company-owned pool of vehicles can be operated in different ways: Owned, leased or rented, all vehicles are ready to drive in the company's parking lot.
Corporate Car Sharing in practice - How much do companies save?
Mobility is a significant cost factor, because vehicles are generally very expensive. Underutilised company cars and company cars are a huge cost driver for a company, and other mobility services (taxis, rental cars) generate further additional costs. Car sharing is innovative, environmentally friendly, saves costs and is very attractive for personnel marketing. The company Homag, for example, calculated savings of 20% by sharing company-owned cars.
Better utilisation of the individual vehicles
The costs for the individual vehicles decrease, as the vehicles are much better utilized. Intelligent booking tools automatically show carpooling opportunities for bookings with the same destination and travel time. The trips are bundled, so to speak, thus optimizing the utilization of the vehicle fleet. The usage rate per car increases, the costs per user decrease. Additional costs (taxi, public transport, rental car) are also reduced.
Digitalized, efficient processes
The employee can - with the appropriate tools - book directly himself, a dispatcher is no longer necessary. PC, tablet or smartphone - the employees simply reserve the required vehicle themselves. Access to the vehicle takes place, for example, via a chip in the driver's license.
The environment benefits
The environment scores with ecological vehicle planning, for example by integrating electric vehicles. The booking program always suggests the most efficient vehicle. This makes the fleet increasingly greener and reduces CO2 emissions.
The fleet becomes cheaper
How many vehicles the company can save becomes transparent through the intelligent booking software. Which cars are never or very little used and can be eliminated? In addition, the system can create incentives for the user to use smaller or environmentally friendly vehicles.
Full cost control helps
Pool vehicle management finally gets a grip on costs thanks to clean invoicing. The administration manages the fleet from the desk - all vehicles are available at a glance. The data on the use of the cars is clearly and graphically prepared, so the company can determine when and where the cars are most often used. The size of the vehicle fleet, even at different locations, is optimized, inefficiencies and user behavior are identified and analyzed.
This is how much you can save with Corporate CarSharing
Savings potentials through tailor-made company concepts
A modern, managed in-house vehicle pool means that vehicles are available on demand in the company's parking lot - either with combustion engine or electric drive. Registration and reservation take place via an interface, the vehicles are networked and customer service can be reached from the car.
Different companies have different mobility requirements: frequent routes, peak utilisation or increased mobility - not only the number of cars determines the success of shared vehicles, but also booking tools and services. A sophisticated car sharing system allows business use and private use of the vehicles and additionally convinces with a simple billing mode.
Savings potential through integration of e-cars
A further development of the vehicle pool can mean a sensible integration of electric vehicles (keyword range). This is easily possible in a fleet and is definitely worthwhile. Nowadays, booking tools know the car's charging capacity - even if the car has already been driven that day or the car is charging in between. There are no more problems with the range of the e-car.
For the fleet manager it is very time-consuming to explain to each employee how to load the vehicle, why it didn't work and how far the car can still drive. Software can take over all these tasks. If an employee needs to charge the electric car in between, there are digital solutions for this as well. With the help of an app, he can find the nearest charging station on the map, as well as the availability status of this station (offline, occupied or available). Identification and charging of the car can be done via a QR code.
Vehicles with electric drives thus become fully integrable. Free capacities could of course also be used for private journeys. The first studies on the cross-company use of e-cars are already underway throughout Germany.
Savings potential from the first car
Shared cars are worthwhile from the first vehicle and three users. If a small company has only one pool vehicle, the key is constantly being searched for. Here, the process benefit is the greatest, whereas for large companies, the total costs are reduced.